Shop Stories
01.12.2022 | News

Facing The Giants: A Podcast Interview with our Founder Kate Swanson

Our founder and CEO, Kate Swanson, sat down with Scott Kerr from Facing the Giants podcast to discuss her journey from attorney to entrepreneur and how our radically redesigned cookware competes with the high-end rivals.

Facing the Giants: Podcast interview with ENSEMBL Founder Kate Swanson

Facing the Giants is a podcast by Scott Kerr, interviewing luxury entrepreneurs and inviting them to talk about competing with the Goliaths of the industry.


On this episode, founder and CEO of ENSEMBL, Kate Swanson, discusses her journey from attorney to entrepreneur  and how ENSEMBL’s radically redesigned cookware competes with both the high-end rivals and a slew of new DTC brands. She also talks about why men have been early adopters of the brand, navigating the recent choppy waters of the DTC world, battling post-pandemic “cooking fatigue”, taking a thoughtful approach to marketing, and exploring retail partners.


Plus: Kate explains why she looks to Dyson for inspiration.

Kate Swanson, ENSEMBL Founder + CEO
Kate Swanson, ENSEMBL Founder + CEO

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